"Every drops counts, every minute cost a lot, a point of something is big.........."
There are so many ways to improve life, there many things to relieve from pains and there are so many to become one.............. Our dear mother, is in critical condition, as his child I should protect her-from dangers and pollutions-so that there will be trees that my fellows climb a lakes to picnic and others.......... but..... -- Our nation is demoralized and in order to make difference and return from the origin---the earth as a paradise for His mens----..
The difference is at the bear hands of every individual,,,,by being a role model to others........ by picking some of the trashes, by choosing the right things, by helping to educate my fellows about the Real.... The REAL situation that we are suffering Right Now........... and the most of all we should have.........DISCIPLINE.... discipline within ourselves and to the Environment...... This do's are on ly but simple that changes a lot.....
For this coming 2010 elections................. SIMULAN ANG PAGBABAGO.......START THE CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!......even though were still not allowed, we can be the eyes, the hidden cameras that reveals the truth...............
(The change starts with me!!!)
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